Book with Karen Bryce | Read Reviews | Sound Healing & Ecstatic Dance Practitioner/ Owner -
Karen Bryce

Karen Bryce

Sound Healing & Ecstatic Dance Practitioner/ Owner
Plantation, FL
Certified Sound Healing Practitioner
Sound Bowl Review My sound bowl session with Karen was amazing. When you enter the room, the atmosphere was welcoming and relaxing. From the lighting to the positioning of every item in the room; the crystals, the pillows, floor mats etc....
Andrea 2 months ago
Mind-Body Connections
Chronic Stress
Emotional Imbalances
Emotional Wellbeing
Group Meditation
Guided Meditation
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Who am I? And why do I qualify. to be a Sound Bowl and Ecstatic Dance Practitioner? Let me start with my credentials first. I am a certified Sound Bowl Practitioner I attended two Accredited Training programs, and I am continuously training, learning and growing in my field ...
Fort Lauderdale, FL 33304
Address shown after booking
Plantation, FL 33317
Address shown after booking

Relaxing, Balancing, harmonizing and re-aligning the bodies Chakra System for inner peace and well-being.

$100.00 / 60 min
Stress is inevitable in our everyday life, there is so much going on personally, and in society that can affect us mentally, emotionally, physical, spiritually, and financially....
Relaxing, Balancing, harmonizing and re-aligning the bodies Chakra System for  inner peace and well-being.

Chakra Balancing and Coaching Package (7-week program )

$250.00 / 45 min
This program was created for clients who needs a full energy balance and recalibration. The focus is on restoring all 7 Chakras because they are the energy centers of our bod...

Private/Public Events/Collaborations/Health & Wellness Centers /Cities/Community Centers/Schools/Spiritual Centers and more.

$125.00 / 80 min
Sound Bowl and Ecstatic Dance can be a good addition to any beautiful event for a holistic and different twist for guests and participants. events like weddings, private family ...
Private/Public Events/Collaborations/Health & Wellness Centers /Cities/Community Centers/Schools/Spiritual Centers and more.

4 verified reviews

Practitioners can't pay to alter or remove, but they can reply to reviews.
Mind-Body Connections
Chronic Stress
Emotional Imbalances
Emotional Wellbeing
Group Meditation
Guided Meditation
Music Therapy
Relaxation Therapy
“Sound Bowl Review My sound bowl session with Karen was amazing. When you enter the room, the atmosphere was welcoming and relaxing. From the lighting to the positioning of every item in the room; the crystals, the pillows, floor mats e...”
Andrea 2 months ago
“Sound Bowl Therapy with Karen has been amazing, I must admit at first I was skeptical. Karen is professional and explained the process, the peaceful and tranquil setting with the sounds of the bowls just vibrates through your body and pu...”
Valentine 2 months ago
“I did not know what to expect when I was invited to Ms. Karen’s Sounding bowl Session because I had never attended one before, so I left all expectations at the door. Well, my first impression when I entered the room was that of peace, ...”
Sinda 2 months ago
“I tried sound bowl therapy for the daily stresses of life. What I wanted to get out of it was peace, tranquility and calmness for my wellbeing. I had the most amazing experience. I loved all of the different vibrations I could feel to...”
Amarylis 2 months ago

Credentials verifies all credentials before publishing.

Karen's practice

In-person sessions
Speaks English
Works with teenagers and adults
Works with individuals, couples, families, and group sessions
Responds in ~24 hours
Highly rated
Highly rated
Karen has all 5-star reviews